Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Bed Bug Treatment: The Way To Treat Bed Bugs

 Having discussed a lot about pestcontrol, now it’s high time for us to discuss something about bed bugs and bed bug treatment. Bed bugs are considered as human parasites for thousands of years. It is one of the most annoying pests you can find at your home. Not only that it brings discomfort to you and your family, it is also dangerous to the point of harming your health through allergic effects, skin rashes and even giving you psychological effects.

The most common type of bed bugs that you can find is one that is relatively dangerous as it feeds on human blood- all types of insect in this family survive by feeding on warm blooded animals. They are commonly found on bed, couch or sofa and other areas where people stay or sleep. They are very active during nighttime and skilled enough on feeding on their victims unnoticed.  Bed bugs, most of the times are overlooked. People are more concerned on eliminating other pests thus resulting on the reduced bed bug countermeasures. 

They are called various names such as red coat, heavy dragon, and wall louse among others.
Bed bugs treatments can vary, however it is essential that action is taken to eliminate these pest immediately. The first thing to do is to determine if there is actually bed bug in your house. Check your bed, sofas, couch or anything that people stay and sleep on. 

Do a thorough inspection on your mattress; look for any creases and folds, seam lines and handles. Check also with your spring box, if there are holes and rips on your mattress then undeniably there are already bed bugs living and breeding on it. Bed bugs also leaves traces of fecal matters behind, you should look for crack or small openings as bed bugs could be leaving their feces on these places. 

Once you have ascertained that bed bugs are actually breeding in your home then it’s time for some bed bug treatment. Use natural pest control as chemical based insecticides can harm you and your family’s health. They may kill pests in an instant but the harmful effects it can bring to you and your family’s health is not worth the risk. 

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